contact ME

If you have any queries or would like to organize a consultation to discuss your individual needs, please contact me using the form on the right and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Thank you for visiting Juanita Fuchs Acupuncture, I look forward to seeing you soon.

Gold Coast

0439 845 789

Juanita is a dedicated practitioner who is a passionate about her craft. Making a positive change in the health and wellness of a client is her primary focus. 

Juanita has always been interested in health and wellbeing and incorporates this into her daily life. he has over 3 years clinical experience and has developed an intuition and sensitivity to the needs of her clients.  Reflecting a holistic approach to health, each treatment is tailored to suit the individual and may involve a combination of acupuncture, moxibustion, bodywork and nutrition and lifestyle advice. 

Working with Juanita you will come to view your health in a holistic manner and be guided to make changes that benefit you on a mental, spiritual and physical level. 


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"The part can never be well unless the whole is well".  - Plato

Moxibustion is the most common method of heat-based therapy used on acupuncture points.  The substance used for moxibustion is a Chinese herb called Ai Ye or mugwort.  It is a wool-like tinder that is burned on or above the skin, with the aim of freeing the movement of Qi, warming cold, drying damp and tonifying deficiencies.  It feels like a pleasant warming sensation and is removed before it becomes too hot. Moxibustion may or may not be appropriate to use during a treatment, and this is determined after completing a Chinese Medicine diagnosis of your condition.